About me
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Theatre projects
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EUROCALL in English
EUROCALL in Spanish
CAMILLE Research Group
The Crow Theatre Group
Spanish national university entry exams - English language exam
Department of Applied Linguistics
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Spanish FL MOOCs
English FL MOOCs
Dramaturgia 2000

Class Central

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About me

Hi! Welcome to my personal web page.

A few facts about me...

Born in Leicestershire (UK) in...
MA & PhD in English Philology (Universitat de València, Spain)
MA in Journalism (Universitat de València - Levante EMV, Spain)

I love theatre!

The Crow Theater Group


My colleague, and good friend, David Perry and I set up a theatre workshop (Aula de Teatro en Inglés) at UPV in the year 2000 aiming to help our students improve their spoken English and become more self-confident speaking in public through theatre techniques. The initiative proved to be extremely successfull and we've had a core group of students that year after year have joined us in the workshop, plus a number of new ones joining each year. The core group are now known as The Crow Theatre Group. Since the very beginning we've staged a theatre production each year, mainly written collaboratively by David and the Crows.

You'll find a lot more info on our website http://teatro.webs.upv.es


David and I have participated in two European-funded theatre projects:

  • GLODISS (Dissemination of the Glottodrama language learning methodology)
  • GLOTOI (Glottodrama Transfer of Innovation)

For more info, you can go to the Glottodrama website http://www.glottodrama.eu

or to the GLO-TOI mini website http://glottodrama.webs.upv.es

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